Stitching in the Bahamas
Jeff and I spent last week sailing around the Bahamas. We stopped in Hope Town for two nights. Hope Town is a charming village with little bungalows painted in cheerful colors. There are a few narrow streets winding between rows of colorful houses. The brilliant blue green ocean is just 100 yards away from the village.
Blue-green water reflecting on clouds.
It was blazing hot and so humid, so we took some time to enjoy some local history (and air conditioning!) at the Wyannie Malone Historical Museum.
Wyannie Malone Historial Museum, Hope Town.
Of course I was drawn to the sewing and needlework. :)
As I wandered through the museum in the little house, I found lots of artifacts belonging to the ladies who were early settlers on the island. I thought about what a solace my needlework and sewing is to me. Did these ladies find a peaceful pleasure in this craft just like me? It was most likely the most pleasant work they did, and in the museum there were some lovely hand made pieces.
Handmade Lace Wedding Dress
Jenny Malone in her wedding dress.
There were also some old sewing machines. I bet it was big news when those machines arrived on the boat!
They must have used whatever they could find to make what they needed. There were quite a few beautiful laces, crochet and handmade quilts on display.
Here's what I was stitching during my trip. The blues will always remind me of that beautiful ocean.
I enjoyed the Hope Town Museum, and I through the needlework, I felt a kinship with those ladies who stitched and sewed those quilts and laces.